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Celebrating "Veer Ras"

"Sunbeam Academy is echoing with the spirit of patriotism”!

Our young stars are paying tribute to our nation through heartfelt poem recitations. Join us in celebrating the essence of Independence week “VEER RAS”

Today, Aadrika Singh, a class X-A student, takes us back to the days of our freedom struggle with her powerful rendition of "Himadri Tung Shrung Se" composed by Jayshankar Prasad, her voice echoes the spirit of our nation.

[Schools in Varanasi, Sunbeam, Sunbeam Academy, Sunbeam Academy Durgakund, Educational Institution, CBSE School Varanasi, CBSE Board School, Sunbeam Academy Varanasi, School Varanasi, HimadriTungShrungSe, JayashankarPrasad, Patriotism, YouthTalent, Independenceweek]

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