(footnotes at end of description)
this video on twitter: twitter.com/rice_deity/status/1347604594420031493
this video chinese subbed by misu on bilibili: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1or4y1L7aP
voiceover and vocaloid footage: @VocaCircus
0:00 intro
0:09 vocaloid (the software)
1:08 vocaloid (the culture)
1:42 who is hatsune miku
2:14 closing
0:35 - this list excludes vocaloids that are not commercially available (because they're private or cancelled), such as akikoloid-chan, anri rune, cocorobo, ring suzune, yuecheng, and zhang chuchu
2:12 - "except vocaloid doesn't actually have a canon" this is a generalization, vocaloid as a whole doesn't have a canon, and miku doesn't have a canon, but some vocaloids (such as nekomura iroha and luo tianyi) do actually have "canon" lore, though how much of the lore you want to accept is generally up to you
2:16 - "does vocaloid have an anime" i only listed vocaloid china project and miku's cameos. tohoku zunko also has an anime with her sisters, and masaoka azuki and kobayashi matcha also have an anime as part of project 575. sorry!
2/25/21 update: miku may now have an anime twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1364994894490722304